Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Fwd: Shopping for Truth at Trader Joes-Take Action July 28-29th!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Institute for Responsible Technology <>
Date: Wed, Jul 11, 2012 at 11:30 AM
Subject: Shopping for Truth at Trader Joes-Take Action July 28-29th!

Dear Linda,

From our friends at Occupy Monsanto...

"According to Fortune's "Inside the secret world of Trader Joe's" article from 2010, Trader GMOs private label brands are made by companies who regularly use GMOs in their products. We also know that TJ's parent company, Aldi, uses GMO ingredients in their low-cost food products throughout America.

"Trader Joe's does not have any sort of standard or system in place, nor does it perform any testing for GMOs."

"Shopping for Truth at Trader Joe's will take place on Saturday & Sunday, July 28 & 29, 2012 at Trader Joe's stores throughout the United States of America."

Visit the Occupy Monsanto website to learn more!

And RSVP to the event on their Facebook page!

Healthy Eating!

The Staff of the Institute for Responsible Technology


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Take good care,

Monday, July 9, 2012

gross but important

Candice Schreiber5/14/12 5:37 PM
LOOK AT THIS NOW --> Processed Food: 9 Nasty Truths About The Meals You Eat (PHOTOS) via @HuffPostBooks

Take good care,

why fluoride in tap water is bad

We have been using fluoride free toothpaste in my home for about 4yrs now. My daughter's teeth and gums are healthy and cavity free!!!

Dr. Greg Chappell explains why fluoride in tap water is bad and very damaging to the teeth and body -…

Take good care,

GMO tv time - finally

Organic Consumers (@OrganicConsumer)
6/30/12 2:55 PM
Bill #Maher and Rachel #Maddow on #GMO labeling. Watch the #video!

Take good care,

GMO update

HealthRanger (@HealthRanger)
7/2/12 2:16 PM
Jeffrey Smith's GMO update, July 2012 - covers latest research, GMO labeling and more… via @HealthRanger

Sent from my iPhone w/ love

Take good care,

Fwd: @FoodMattersFilm, 6/27/12 6:00 AM

Food Matters Film (@FoodMattersFilm)
6/27/12 6:00 AM
Eat Your Bugs! The human gut is a crowded neighbourhood! There are 500 species of bacteria resident in the GI tract! -

Take good care,

Fwd: Study: Toxin from GM crops found in human blood

Health Impact News

Here's the latest:

Study: Toxin from GM crops found in human blood

2012-06-23 13:18:02-04
by Dinesh C. Sharma India Today Fresh doubts have arisen about the safety of genetically modified crops, with a new study reporting presence of Bt toxin, used widely in GM crops, in human blood for the first time. Genetically modified crops include genes extracted from bacteria to make them resistant to pest attacks. These genes make [...]

Woman Sues City Of Tulsa For Cutting Down Her Edible Garden

2012-06-23 20:28:06-04
By Lori Fullbright News On 6 A Tulsa woman is suing the city's code enforcement officers after she said they cut down her garden with no cause. Denise Morrison said she has more than 100 plant varieties in her front and back yards and all of them are edible and have a purpose. She knows [...]

Gene Control Regions Are Protected–Negating Evolution

2012-06-23 20:38:55-04
by Jeffrey Tomkins, Ph.D. Institute for Creation Research The erroneous idea that complex genetic information in the form of genes and regulatory DNA can randomly evolve, has become more untenable with every new discovery in the field of genomics. Just this past week, a discovery published in the prestigious British journal Nature has once again [...]

Merck is sued by former virologist employees for deliberately falsifying mumps vaccine efficacy studies

2012-06-24 21:16:04-04
by Michael Belkin This is a legal filing by former Merck virologists who claim they were pressured by Merck management to participate in fraud by falsifying Merck's mumps vaccine efficacy rate in clinical trials. This filing claims that the mumps vaccine efficacy rate is significantly lower than the 95% that Merck has misrepresented to the [...]

Genetically Modified Mosquitoes Released into the Wild

2012-06-24 23:12:14-04
Are Genetically Engineered Mosquitoes the Answer to Quell Dengue Fever? by Dr. Mercola Australian research scientists have developed a strategy for fighting Dengue fever, a viral disease spread by mosquitoes that affects more than 50 million people annually and causes fever and crippling joint and muscle pain—and in some cases even death. Dengue kills FAR more people [...]

Adding Cholesterol to Diet Reduces Autism Symptoms

2012-06-26 17:07:46-04
Dr. Eugene Arnold of the Ohio State University Medical Center is researching the cholesterol link to Autism. Realizing that our brains are made up of a significant amount of cholesterol, he starts with the assumption that those with Autism may not be suffering from too much cholesterol, but in fact may be suffering from too [...]

URGENT: Don't Let the GMO Industry Make an End Run around the Courts!

2012-06-26 19:26:38-04
by Alliance for Natural Health We just have a few days to stop this lawlessness among our own lawmakers. Congress is close to approving a sneaky, pro-GMO rider to an important funding bill, and it may become law without most people realizing it—unless youtake action NOW. The GMO industry has inserted the worst kind of [...]

GM Soy Linked to Illnesses in Farm Pigs

2012-06-27 19:16:31-04
by Institute of Science in Society A Danish farmer has gained huge public recognition for publishing his simple method for ridding his pigs of illness- removing genetically modified (GM) ingredients from their diet. Published in the farming magazine Effektivt Landbrug on 13 April 2012 [1], the farmer Ib Borup Perderson describes how his pigs suffered from [...]

Statins do not save women's lives

2012-06-30 09:51:50-04
by Dr John Briffa The Cholesterol Truth Since cholesterol is believed to cause 'cardiovascular' diseases such as heart disease and stroke, and since statins reduce cholesterol, the general assumption is that statins reduce the risk of these conditions through their ability to reduce cholesterol. Actually, there is evidence that statins may not work, when they do, [...]

Deaths from Prescription Drugs Lowers Life Expectancy Gap in US

2012-07-01 18:45:54-04
Racial gap in life expectancy reaches new low in US Between 2003 and 2008, the gap in life expectancy between white and black men fell from 6.5 years to 5.4, Canadian researchers found. For women, it fell from 4.6 years to 3.7 By Mike Eckel The Christian Science Monitor Excerpts: The gap in life expectancy [...]

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Take good care,

GMO myths

don't believe the hype!

Hannah Crum (@kombuchakamp)
7/5/12 12:24 PM
GMO Myths!!! Don't believe these false arguments about GMOs.

Take good care,

Fwd: Stop Monsanto's Sneak Attack!


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Organic Consumers Association <>
Date: Thu, Jul 5, 2012 at 2:12 PM
Subject: Stop Monsanto's Sneak Attack!
To: linda Sierra


SUBSCRIBE & Read Past Issues| View ONLINE | OCA Homepage | Donate

Stop Monsanto's Sneak Attack!

As we reported last week, a controversial rider has been attached to the U.S. House of Representative's 2013 Agriculture Appropriations bill that would make it impossible for organic and non-GMO consumers and farmers to fight Monsanto in court (as we did on GMO alfalfa and sugar beets) when the US Department of Agriculture illegally approves new genetically engineered crops that could, as the courts have ruled, eliminate "a farmer's choice to grow non-genetically engineered crops, or a consumer's choice to eat non-genetically engineered food."

The vote we expected last week has been delayed until after the July 4th recess. Already, more than 15,000 of you have taken action, along with over 50,000 of our allies in other organizations. Please join together as we raise our voices loud and clear.

There's still time to stop Monsanto's sneak attack!

Take Action via Email

Call Your Member of Congress


Who's Monsanto's Best Friend in Congress?

Tom Philpott reported this week in Mother Jones that Jack Kingston (R-GA) is the Congressman responsible for inserting this "pro-industry provision that that has nothing to do with agriculture appropriations."

Kingston had already established himself as a friend of the industry. In April, the Biotechnology Industry Organization, whose members include ag-biotech giants Monsanto and DuPont, named him its "legislator of the year for 2011-2012." BIO declared Kingston a "champion of America's biotechnology industry" who has "helped to protect funding for programs essential to the survival of biotechnology companies across the United States."

Are there any Members of Congress tough enough to stand up to Monsanto?

Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-OR) will sponsor an amendment to the ag appropriations bill that would nullify Kingston's Monsanto-friendly provision.

Ask your Member of Congress to support the DeFazio amendment!

Take Action via Email

Call Your Member of Congress


Support OCA and OCF

Worth Fighting For? Your Donation Keeps the Fight Alive

"It is horrifying that we have to fight our own government to save the environment." - Ansel Adams

The photographer Ansel Adams had a keen eye for nature's beauty – and a keen sense of how our government was allowing its slow destruction.

It is horrifying that we have to fight our own government to save the environment. But we do. These past few weeks the OCA has been educating and mobilizing our members – and anyone else who will listen – on the many threats to our environment that are contained in the latest Farm Bill and, now, the agricultural appropriations bill, which contains an amendment that has been renamed the "Monsanto Protection Act."

Our staff has worked relentlessly to create and circulate action alerts and petitions, spread the word on our social media networks, and provide the most up-to-date information on our website.

We believe the environment is worth fighting for. But we need your help to do this important work. Please donate today to continue funding the fight for the environment. Thank you!

Donate to the Organic Consumers Association (tax-deductible, helps support our work on behalf of organic standards, fair trade and public education)

Donate to the Organic Consumers Fund (non-tax-deductible, but necessary for our legislative efforts in California and other states)


Health Care Decision a Death Blow to Single-Payer

Last week, news broke on the Supreme Court's decision on the Affordable Care Act just as we were sending out our newsletter. We decided to wait on some commentary from OCA allies. Author Raj Patel's take on the decision pretty much sums it up:

"Now that the insurance industry knows it'll have a multi-billion-dollar market of mandatory customers, the industry won't have to spend all that money to buy a different political decision, and it never has to worry about single-payer health care again. And that's the tragedy of the debate around the health-care plan. In all the noise around this ruling, we can't hear the voices demanding a cheaper, better system that dispenses with insurance corporations. The U.S. already spends more per capita than any other country for worse care. The ruling entrenches a bad system. The media circus drowns out discussion of a better one."

OCA's ally, the Alliance for Natural Health, has written an excellent overview of what the decision means for integrative medicine.

Another OCA ally, Mike Adams, of Natural News, weighs in here.


Get Antibiotic Residues Out of the U.S Food Supply!

When the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released new guidelines in April on the use of antibiotics in animal agriculture, they had the opportunity to take long overdue steps to end the overuse of these drugs in the feed and water of animals that are not sick. Unfortunately, they missed that opportunity. The FDA guidance speaks of "judicious use," yet does not restrict the everyday use of antibiotics to prevent — not treat — animal disease, a common practice employed by CAFOs (confined animal feeding operations) to compensate for overcrowded, unsanitary conditions. And although the FDA has spoken out against the sale of antibiotics for growth promotion, the approach they laid out to end this practice is completely voluntary and lacking in transparency. The use of antibiotics are banned in organic agriculture, which is one of the reasons why millions of Americans are shunning factory farmed meat, eggs, and dairy products and turning to organic products instead.

The good news is that it's not too late for the FDA to try again. The FDA is accepting public comments on these guidelines until July 12th, and we plan to send them thousands of letters from OCA members. Join us in urging Dr. Hamburg, the FDA Commissioner, to get dangerous antibiotic residues out of the U.S. food supply.

Together, we'll let the FDA know that we expect better from them.

Take Action


Democracy at Risk in Washington State

Could Spell Disaster for Local Ballot Initiatives

From Paul Cienfuegos:

As many of you already know, there is a movement growing across this country of municipalities and counties exploring more effective ways to protect themselves from unwanted corporate harms, and to roll back corporate constitutional so-called "rights" at the local level. About 150 communities in seven states have already passed such laws.

Over the past five months, residents of Bellingham, WA, have gathered almost 10,000 signatures to successfully place on the ballot this November a legally-binding initiative that would ban coal trains from passing through their city. Unlike the conventional regulatory and zoning laws which municipalities try to pass, and which are always struck down as violating corporate "rights", this new rights-based approach is much more complicated to challenge, and is therefore a much greater threat to those in government and corporations who want to maintain the status quo situation where We The People are powerless to defend our communities.

Last week, the quite liberal city council of Bellingham voted unanimously to file a lawsuit to legally challenge the right of Bellingham residents to even get an opportunity to vote on this initiative in November.

Organizers of the Coal Free Bellingham campaign are outraged that their own City Council would have the gall to pre-empt local residents from exercising their right to govern themselves at the local level. They are calling on people throughout the country to stand up for the right of Bellingham voters, and asking YOU to contact the Bellingham City Council ASAP and tell them to let the voters have their say.

Take Action


Video of the Week

Stop Monsanto from Poisoning Hawai'i

In a recent Organic Bytes, we shared a 43 minute film from Hawaii GMO Justice on "evicting Monsanto". Now you can watch and share a 2 1/2 minute trailer for the film.



Little Bytes

Top Stories of the Week

Climate Change Is Already Shrinking Crop Yields

Congresswoman Pingree Gives TED Talk on Local Food Policy

Raw Deal: Maine Residents' Fight for Unregulated Food Draws Crackdown

Brave Minnesota Mother Risks Going to Prison for Continuing to Facilitate Raw Milk Distribution


Message From Our Sponsors


 "We do not use any USP synthetic nutrients including synthetic herbal actives in any of our products.  All ingredients are only naturally occurring concentrates.  Our whey products are uniquely derived from year-round pasture-grass fed cows that are never grain fed."

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new york, NY
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Take good care,

Last Diet You Will Ever Need - Try Eating REAL Food! -- Health & Wellness --

pretty fair advice

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Sea Soy Monsters

Catching up on emails and sharing as I go along.

Sea Soy Monsters: GMO Industry Taking Over Farmed Fish Feed, Cites New Report

A new report details plans by the genetically modified soybean industry to expand its livestock feeding of GMO soybeans to the massive amounts of aquaculture fish raised in open ocean pens located in federal waters. While soy is already being fed to some farmed fish, if this happens to the scale the industry hopes, it could mean devastating consequences for the world's oceans and consumer health, reports Food & Water Watch and Food & Water Europe, the organizations behind the report.

According to the report entitled "Factory-Fed Fish: How the Soy Industry is Expanding Into the Sea," the soy industry is positioning its products as a better alternative to feed made from wild fish—the native diet for many farmed fish. Already, nearly half of the seafood consumed around the world originates through aquaculture or a fish farm, states the report. And there are major concerns over the risks of further expanding industrial agricultural farming models into the world's oceans. Not only are scientists concerned about the risks of gene transfer and other issues with GMO crops, but the traces of the pesticides, mainly glyphosate (marketed by Monsanto as Roundup), that are used on virtually all genetically modified crops, could damage delicate oceanic ecosystems.

Creating a market demand for soy among fish farms would also mean more genetically modified crops taking up arable land and pushing toxic pesticides into the environment, a move that also concerns environmentalists as GMO soy already accounts for 93 percent of the soy grown in the U.S.. Countries like Brazil have begun growing so much GMO soy that it now outpaces the nation's production of conventional crops and has led to the devastation of critical Amazonian rainforest.

Of further concern, beyond the known risks of GMOs, is the fact that soy is not a natural diet for fish in any circumstance. Unnatural diets can lead to chronic diseases, allergies, infections, birth defects and other risk factors that could negatively impact food intended for human consumption.

Keep in touch with Jill on Twitter @jillettinger

Take good care,

about the last post

Please read the replies to the new pesticide list.
Corn is listed as a clean 15 product but unless organic is a GMO and should not be purchased unless organic. If your buy corn from a local farmer at a market it should be safe but always ask. Corn has very little to hardly any nutritional value so it's never a food choice for me.

Take good care,

Fwd: 2012 Shopper's Guide to Pesticides (The Dirty Dozen & Clean 15)

Here's my lastest Food Matters' newletter.

Dear Linda, welcome to your 'Food Matters' newsletter. July 7, 2012

2012 Shopper's Guide to Pesticides (The Dirty Dozen & Clean 15)
The Environmental Working Group have continued research into the levels of pesticides found in the most common fruits and vegetables we consume daily. Find out their latest results and print out your copy of the 2012 Dirty Dozen & Clean 15 Shopper's Guide to Pesticides.

Top 6 Plant Based Proteins
Whether you are vegetarian or not, protein is essential for our body to function on a daily basis. Getting enough protein isn't as hard as you think. Find out in this article the amount of protein contained within your favorite plant based sources.

The Forces Against Health in Australia
Many doctors and academics are becoming more open to the use of diet and nutritional supplements as viable alternatives to drugs. But why is the health practice in Australia still heavily focused on treatment of the disease rather than prevention? Ian Brighthope, as featured in Food Matters, explains why.

Powerful Longevity Foods
It has now become more clear to us that our genetics are not necessarily the reason for longevity. Read this article to find out which foods are best for increasing our lifespan.

Still A Fast Food Nation - Reflecting On 10 Years Later
Ten years after his seminal book 'Fast Food Nation', Eric Schlosser reflects on how little has changed in the production, safety, and consumption of Fast-Food in America—but why he's still hopeful.

In good health,

James & Laurentine
Filmmakers 'Food Matters' & 'Hungry For Change'



Take good care,