VIEW THIS ISSUE ONLINE | SUBSCRIBE & Read Past Issues | View PDF | OCA Homepage | Donate No More RoundUp Ready GMO Crops! Monsanto's RoundUp Pesticide Causes Birth Defects Take Action! Five of the twelve new GMO crops that agro-chemical companies Monsanto, Dow, Bayer, and BASF have submitted for approval from the US Department of Agriculture are genetically engineered with a soil bacteria that keeps them alive, even when they're sprayed with massive doses of the herbicide RoundUp. More of these so-called "RoundUp Ready" crops means more RoundUp sprayed on our food. This is horrible because Monsanto's RoundUp causes birth defects. Instead of "RoundUp Ready" we should call these GMOs "Birth-Defect Ready"! According to a report published by Earth Open Source, industry's own studies - including one commissioned by Monsanto - showed that as long ago as the 1980's that RoundUp's active ingredient, glyphosate, causes birth defects in laboratory animals. We have until September 11th to urge the USDA to block these new Birth-Defect Ready GMO crops. Take action Read more India Moves to Not Only Label GMO Foods, But to Ban GMO Crops as Well In very bad news for Monsanto, India, the largest agricultural nation in the world, not only plans to label GMO foods, but appears likely to ban GMO crops as well. Read more
On Our Way to 200,000 Names . . . and Michelle Obama's Desk! "This is the biggest fraud being perpetrated on the public health since tobacco and we need transparency on it urgently." – Gregg, from Mead, CO. Two weeks after the launch of our petition asking Michelle Obama to remind the President to honor his campaign promise to label GMOs, more than 70,000 people from all over the world have signed on. Many of the signers have included comments, like the one above from Gregg in Mead, CO – a good sign that people understand the importance of labeling, and the importance of passing this historic initiative in California. We need 200,000 signatures to be able to hand-deliver this petition to Mrs. Obama's staff – and when we do, we'll arrange for the media to be there so we can generate awareness and support for Prop 37, this country's first GMO labeling law. If you think President Obama should honor his campaign promise to label GMOs, please add your signature today! Thank you! Sign the petition here Support OCA and OCF Your Donation Could Mean 'YES' for GMO Labeling! In less than two months, Californians will decide whether or not their state will adopt the nation's first mandatory GMO labeling law – a decision that will have a huge impact on the future of GMO labeling in the US, and the very future of our food. Will they vote YES on Prop 37? Or NO? While polls show that more than 70% of California voters believe genetically modified ingredients should be labeled, we also know that Monsanto, Dow, Pepsi, Coca-Cola and others have raised more than $25 million to convince the state's voters that labeling is a bad idea. Right now, there are thousands of volunteers on the ground in California distributing leaflets, speaking at events, and writing letters to the editor in an effort to educate people who haven't heard of Prop 37 and don't know that more than 75% of the processed foods they buy contain genetically engineered ingredients. California is a big state. We need many more people, and a lot more materials to reach California voters, educating them on the dangers of GMOs, and get them to the polls in order to pass this law. You can help! Please pitch in today, and please let your family and friends know how critical it is – for all of us – that we win this battle in California. Your donation could mean another vote for GMO labeling. Thank you! Donate to the Organic Consumers Association (tax-deductible, helps support our public education work against GMOs and chemical food, and our work on behalf of organic standards, fair trade and sustainable farming) Donate to the Organic Consumers Fund (non-tax-deductible, but necessary for our legislative efforts in California and other states) International Homesteading Education Month Mother Earth News and their sister magazine, Grit, invite you to participate this September as they host International Homesteading Education Month. You can learn a lot from books and magazines, but as the Mother Earth News Fairs have shown us, there is simply no substitute for the kind of excitement that firsthand, face-to-face interactions can generate. Read more and find an event near you September 17th Global Week of Action Against Monsanto Let's take our message to the Biotech Bully's front doorsteps! Organic Consumers Association and Millions Against Monsanto are working with the Occupy Monsanto network to organize protests and direct action at Monsanto facilities during the September 17th Global Week of Action Against Monsanto. There are over 70 actions planned at Monsanto facilities worldwide. Click here to attend an action near you! Stanford Junk Science Slanders Organic A "junk science" article released to the media this week preposterously claims that organic food is no better than chemical and GMO food. Read an excellent rebuttal by Chuck Benbrook of the Organic Center (PDF) Little Bytes
Essential Reading for the Week New Junk Science Study (PDF) 5 Ways the Stanford Study Sells Organics Short Did You Know Monsanto Previously Claimed to Support GMO Labeling? NestlĂ© Says GMOs Are "Not the Answer" to Feeding the Poor The Last Antibiotic Message From Our Sponsors Dr. Bronner's is Celebrating Our 60th Anniversary!  Marking the 60th Anniversary of the company, Dr. Bronner's Magic Soaps is pleased to announce that all classic liquid & bar soaps are now not only certified under the USDA National Organic Program, but also certified Fair Trade! In addition, we are pleased to introduce a revolutionary new range of high-quality organic products, from hair rinses to shaving gels – all certified under the same USDA program that certifies organic foods. Please Visit Us on the Web! Connect With OCA! Facebook Pages: | Twitter Feeds: | More: | Please forward this publication to family and friends, place it on web sites, print it, duplicate it and post it freely. Knowledge is power! 6771 South Silver Hill Drive - Finland, MN 55603 - Phone: 218-226-4164 - Fax: 218-353-7652 You are subscribed as: linda Sierra new york, NY | |