Friday, April 20, 2012

Fwd: Coconut Oil Reverses Dementia in 100 Year Old Woman

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From: "Health Impact News" <>
Date: April 20, 2012 7:16:23 PM EDT
To: "linda " <>
Subject: Coconut Oil Reverses Dementia in 100 Year Old Woman

Mailer 04a Health Impact News

Here's the latest:

Coconut Oil Reverses Dementia in 100 Year Old Woman

2012-04-17 13:37:55-04
Alzheimer's Weekly User Forums User chikipp In 2010 my mother, then 98 years old, became very depressed after the death of my father and brother.  She was on Lexapro for the depression and It took almost 8 months for her to feel better.  Unfortunately, the experience brought on severe dementia. She fell and broke her hip [...]

Michigan DNR Raids Family Hog Farms

2012-04-17 17:54:58-04
The DNR has carried out raids against at least two family farms in Michigan that raise heritage free range hogs, reports Mark Baker from Baker's Green Acres.

Big Surprise – Whooping Cough Spreads Mainly through Vaccinated Populations

2012-04-17 20:29:57-04
by Dr. Mercola In 2010, the largest outbreak of whooping cough in over 50 years reportedly occurred in California. Around that same time, a scare campaign was launched in the California by Pharma-funded medical trade associations, state health officials and national media targeting people opting out of using pertussis vaccine, falsely accusing them of causing [...]

Special Investigative Report: Will GMOs Really Feed the World?

2012-04-18 20:02:23-04
by Alliance for Natural Health That's what genetic engineering advocates claim. But science (and a shocking number of developing-world suicides) debunk this myth. BIO, the Biotechnology Industry Organization, says that a genetically engineered crop improves insect resistance, enhances herbicide tolerance, and facilitates the use of more environmentally sustainable farming practices by generating higher crop yields [...]

Psychiatry's new blood test for diagnosing kids mentally ill is bogus

2012-04-18 20:08:20-04
by Citizens Commission on Human Rights International A study about a new "blood test"  that can supposedly be used to determine teens have "Major Depressive Disorder"  is being heralded by the press as a breakthrough in legitimizing  psychiatric disorders as medical conditions.  We're going to cut to the chase—it's not even close to a breakthrough.  It's [...]

FDA Warns Men of Serious Side Effects from These Drugs, But Keeps Them on the Market

2012-04-18 20:15:41-04
by Alliance for Natural Health If supplements caused such adverse events, they would be banned immediately! Fortunately there are excellent supplement alternatives to these drugs. Two popular drugs—Proscar, used to treat an enlarged prostate, and Propecia, which is used to treat male pattern baldness—will now have new warnings from FDA on their labels for causing [...]

Local Food Sovereignty Laws in Maine Come to a Test with Farmer Brown

2012-04-19 19:09:29-04
Health Impact News Editor Comments: Back in the summer of 2011 we covered the story of how local towns in Maine were passing "Food Sovereignty" laws to allow sale of locally produced food without interference of regulators. Read the story here. Then on November 9, Dan Brown, a family farmer in Blue Hill, Maine, was served [...]

HOGWASH – Bakers Green Acres vs. Michigan DNR & Michigan Pork Producers Association

2012-04-19 19:18:12-04
Bakers Green Acres and a handful of hog farmers scattered through Michigan are left standing after the April 1st, declaratory ruling issued by the Michigan DNR. Allegedly backed by the corporate pork industry, the DNR has begun issuing raids on family farms; forcing farmers to execute entire herds of healthy pigs. This update conveys the [...]

California Takes National Spotlight on GMO Labeling Issue

2012-04-20 17:47:21-04 – the California Committee for the Right to Know wants to let you know about this new ballot initiative in California and what it REALLY means for you and your family. Our mission is to get this initiative on the CA 2012 ballot to require mandatory labeling of foods that contain genetically engineered ingredients. [...]

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia and Coconut Oil

2012-04-20 18:54:30-04
by Brian and Marianita Shilhavy I had this chronic fatigue problem for the last 2 years or so. I tried taking a lot of medication, but nothing really helped! Finally I started taking 3 tbsp Coconut oil a day and praise God I felt my energy level renewed & refreshed within a week! Now it's more [...]

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Thursday, April 19, 2012

@jazzyhealth, 4/19/12 2:24 PM

LC (@jazzyhealth)
4/19/12 2:24 PM
14 Mind-Blowing Facts About Sugar (Infographic) via @mindbodygreen

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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Fwd: America’s New Drug Addicts: 100% Legal and Approved by the FDA

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Health Impact News <>
Date: Mon, Apr 16, 2012 at 8:05 PM
Subject: America's New Drug Addicts: 100% Legal and Approved by the FDA
To: linda <>

Health Impact News

Here's the latest:

America's New Drug Addicts: 100% Legal and Approved by the FDA

2012-04-10 21:09:03-04
by Alliance for Natural Health The DEA is enabling—even encouraging—a generation of opiate addicts, while the FDA tries to quash safe and helpful supplements like DHEA. Goodness, the legal drug-makers have been busy! This week the Associated Press revealed that in 2010, US pharmacies dispensed the equivalent of 69 tons of pure oxycodone (used as [...]

New Lupus Study Questions Aluminum in Vaccines

2012-04-11 14:19:30-04
by Dr. Mercola The presumed intent of a vaccination is to help you build immunity to potentially harmful organisms that contribute to illness and disease.However, your body's immune system has been designed over the course of countless millennia to ward off infection naturally. Infectious organisms do not so much invade your body, as take advantage [...]

New Alzheimer's Imaging Test Provides NO Benefits, Only Profits for Drug Companies

2012-04-11 14:51:41-04
by Vera Sharav Alliance for Human Research Protection  On Friday, April 6, the FDA approved another of Eli Lilly's "breakthroughs" whose clinical value is questionable (at best).  The focus, in this instance, is not a therapeutic intervention, but rather a test using a radioactive imaging agent– a dye, brand name, Amyvid (florbetapir)–which is to be used [...]

Pets and Coconut Oil: An Experiment with Two Cats

2012-04-11 21:03:45-04
by Bonnie I love my pets, the more I find out about coconut oil, the more excited I get. My cats were rescue kittys. I adopted my male cat Dante in 2007, he had no health issue when we adopted him, soon after about 3 years he was less active living in an apartment, but [...]

Coconut Oil Reverses Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)

2012-04-12 13:40:35-04
by Clarence Introduction I am not raising money or selling anything. I have ALS and want to share things that have helped me. Philosophy I think it's important you know my philosophy before reading on. A wise man (my father) would always say to me when something was broken; "Fix it with what's available to you! What [...]

Battlefield acupuncture offers a safer, more effective alternative to dangerous painkiller drugs for soldiers

2012-04-12 14:57:24-04
by: Christina Luisa NaturalNews (NaturalNews) Psychiatric drugs and painkillers are now being routinely used across the U.S. military, where violent suicides have skyrocketed to levels never before seen in history. In the military today, soldiers who suffer TBIs — Traumatic Brain Injuries — frequently receive treatment with mind-altering psychiatric drugs that have known side effects [...]

Americans Eat the Cheapest Food in the World, But What is It Really Costing?

2012-04-14 13:45:06-04
by Dr. Mercola In 2010, Americans spent just over 9 percent of their disposable income on food (5.5 percent at home and 3.9 percent eating out).iThis is a dramatically lower percentage spent just decades ago in the early 1960s, when over 17 percent was spent on food, and even more of a "bargain" compared to [...]

The One True Doctor

2012-04-14 19:57:01-04
by Brian Shilhavy When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, "Son, your sins are forgiven." Now some teachers of the law were sitting there, thinking to themselves, "Why does this fellow talk like that? He's blaspheming! Who can forgive sins but God alone?" Immediately Jesus knew in his spirit that this [...]

J&J Guilty of Fraud and Must Pay $1.1 Billion for Misleading Doctors About Risperdal

2012-04-16 19:21:55-04
By Eric Francis, Jef Feeley and David Voreacos Bloomberg News Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) must pay more than $1.1 billion in fines, a judge ruled after an Arkansas jury found the company's officials misled doctors and patients about the risks of the antipsychotic drug Risperdal. Judge Tim Fox in Little Rock, Arkansas, yesterday found J&J [...]

Chocolate Gives Statins A $29 Billion Run For Their Money

2012-04-16 19:34:49-04
by Sayer Ji With the cholesterol-lowering class of drugs known as statins being widely promoted for the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease, despite their having over 300 documented adverse health effects (including heart failure!), how does chocolate sound as a viable, heart-friendly alternative? We already connect amorously with chocolate (to the tune of 300 billion [...]

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