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Institute for Responsible Technology <webmaster@responsibletechnology.org> Date: Wed, Jul 11, 2012 at 11:30 AM
Subject: Shopping for Truth at Trader Joes-Take Action July 28-29th!
Lcyerra1@gmail.com | Dear Linda, From our friends at Occupy Monsanto...
"According to Fortune's "Inside the secret world of Trader Joe's" article from 2010, Trader GMOs private label brands are made by companies who regularly use GMOs in their products. We also know that TJ's parent company, Aldi, uses GMO ingredients in their low-cost food products throughout America. "Trader Joe's does not have any sort of standard or system in place, nor does it perform any testing for GMOs." "Shopping for Truth at Trader Joe's will take place on Saturday & Sunday, July 28 & 29, 2012 at Trader Joe's stores throughout the United States of America." Visit the Occupy Monsanto website to learn more! And RSVP to the event on their Facebook page!
Healthy Eating!
The Staff of the Institute for Responsible Technology
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