Registered Dieticians Attack Low-Carb Blogger for Publishing the Truth about Nutrition and Diabetes | | 2012-02-03 19:41:52-05 Steve Cooksey who runs the popular low-carb diabetes health blog called "Diabetes Warrior" at was notified on Friday, January 27, 2011 that he is under investigation for providing illegal nutritional counseling for people with diabetes on his web site. In this exclusive interview, Jimmy Moore from "The Livin' La Vida Low-Carb Show" speaks with Steve [...] Read more...
Police action to be taken against anti-vaccination groups in India | | 2012-02-04 21:14:18-05 Health Impact News Editor Comments: This is happening in one district in India, but could forced vaccinations and police action against anti-vaccine groups be something we could see here in the U.S. soon? Late last year the governor of California signed into a law a bill that allowed school officials and physicians to have the [...] Read more...
Admitting That Vaccine Injured Children Are Acceptable Losses | | 2012-02-04 21:57:26-05 by Ginger Taylor Adventures in Autism I have actually found something new on the internet. In seven years of blogging, I have never seen someone actually be honest about their belief that vaccine injured children are "acceptable losses." I am a little bit stunned. Now we all know this is true. Every parent of a [...] Read more...
Time to Stop Talking About Low-Fat, Say Harvard School of Public Health Nutrition Experts | | 2012-02-04 22:08:09-05 Harvard School of Public Health It is time to end the low-fat myth, Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) nutrition experts told food industry leaders at the seventh annual World of Healthy Flavors Conference held in Napa, CA, from January 19 to 21, 2011. The conference, co-hosted by the Culinary Institute of America and HSPH, [...] Read more...
Even pediatricians want suicide warning placed on ADHD drugs | | 2012-02-06 17:33:18-05 by: Alexander Frantzis Natural News (NaturalNews) Both ADHD's diagnosis and treatment with mild altering psychiatric drugs have been frequently contested topics. Much of the vague criteria for diagnosis is highly subjective, as many of the symptoms associated with the "disorder" are obvious consequences of forcing young children inundated with fast past entertainment to sit still [...] Read more...
J&J hid studies showing its Risperdal anti-psychotic drug caused diabetes to protect billions of dollars in sales | | 2012-02-06 17:47:31-05 by Jef Feeley Bloomberg Johnson & Johnson hid studies showing its Risperdal anti-psychotic drug caused diabetes to protect billions of dollars in sales, a lawyer said in the first personal-injury claim over the medication to go to trial. Researchers at J&J's Janssen unit knew as early as 1999 that a study found Risperdal caused diabetes [...] Read more...
Toxic Flouride May be More Prevalent in Your Food than in Your Water | | 2012-02-06 20:43:03-05 by Dr. Mercola Jeff Green has been an activist in the movement to eliminate a toxic fluoride from your water supply for the past 15 years. With more than 60 percent of U.S. water supplies currently fluoridated, chances are you're one of the 170 million Americans who drink fluoride on a daily basis. In a [...] Read more...
Have the Pediatricians Lost Their Minds? HPV Vaccine Now Recommended for Boys | | 2012-02-07 18:24:03-05 by Alliance for Natural Health The American Academy of Pediatrics, whom we have previously criticized for industry ties, now says all boys between the ages of 11 and 12 should receive the HPV vaccine—the same one that has harmed so many girls. Action Alert! During the Republican Party presidential debates, Michelle Bachman questioned the safety [...] Read more...
Why Do We Want to Spray More Agent Orange on Our Crops? Are We at War with Ourselves (and Our Children)? | | 2012-02-07 18:48:35-05 by Alliance for Natural Health Remember Agent Orange, the notorious defoliant used in the Vietnam War? Are you ready for Agent Orange Ready seeds for US agriculture? Action Alert! One of the two active ingredients that made up Agent Orange is 2,4-D. Despite what Agent Orange did to Vietnam and the Vietnamese people, not to [...] Read more...
'Bad' Cholesterol Not as Bad as People Think, Study Shows | | 2012-02-07 20:01:59-05 ScienceDaily The so-called "bad cholesterol" — low-density lipoprotein commonly called LDL — may not be so bad after all, shows a Texas A&M University study that casts new light on the cholesterol debate, particularly among adults who exercise. Steve Riechman, a researcher in the Department of Health and Kinesiology, says the study reveals that LDL [...] Read more...
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