So my first post was Feb. 2009 and since then it been a long hard road.
My weight went up due to poor emotional eating.
I was in a rut. You know how life gets, I let my problems get the best of me and it affected my eating big time and it showed in my weigtht.
For some reason the strict eating rules that I enforced on my daughter only applied to me during dinner time, when I cooked for her and we ate together.
And when I say strict, I mean If my mother was spending time with her and took her to Burger King I would have a fit and that's just 1 example. So whenever she goes over to grandma's now I send meals, I mean maybe once in the bluest moon you could ever see, she can go.
I guess I didn't care about myself as much as I cared about my daughter. I find that's very typical in a lot of moms though, but we gotta get it together ladies!!!!
Because of my height, 5'8" and 1/2, it wasn't noticeable for a while. Now almost 200llbs, it is.
Since my weight is mostly in my stomach area, that puts me at a greater risk for heart disease. The toughest thing for me recently is learning that there is a 60% chance one of my moms arteries is cloged and her cholestoral is very high.
That's when my food interest turned into an eating foods that will help me live long interest, an eating foods that keep my body clean and functioning properly interests, an eating foods that wont kill me even if they claim ( and I used the word claim very strongly ) to be healthy interests.
Now more than ever it's not just about losing weight but gaining life.
I've learned so much in the past 6 months. In my journey these years I've gone organic, I've tired vegetarianism and veganism and now I guess I'm at the "flexetarianism" stage.
So this is just a catch up. I'm off to wash and braid my daughters hair using all natural products and oils of course.
I will post later this week about what I thought I knew and what changes I've made recently.
Until then
Peace, love and health !!!
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