Wednesday, December 28, 2011

My staples

Being that I talk a lot to people about what I don't eat, they always wonder what I do.
I've recently moved and had to re-stock my cabinets and buy new kitchen utensils, here's what I got.

In terms of food - these are my staples, I try very hard to always have them on hand.
Organic unrefined virgin coconut oil
Organic non virgin & extra virgin olive oil
Organic grass fed butter
Different types of sea salt
Organic spices like cinnamon, turmeric, ground pepper (don't like cracked) and rosemary. I found a new blend w/ sea salt, oregano and garlic that I like as well.
A variety of Eden Organic beans
Crown Prince wild sardines and canned salmon
Organic pre-washed quinoa
Any time I can get raw milk I do, when I can't I get organic grass-fed
Organic non soy or corn feed farm raised eggs and grass-fed beef from my farmers market
Organic ground flax seeds
Organic steel cut oatmeal
Some form of organic brown rice and/or brown rice pasta
I usually don't buy chicken because I haven't found one that I think is good enough (for me). But when I am in the mood, I buy a pre-made organic chicken from fairway and I save all the bones for stock. I like having my own stock on hand!
I try to always have toasted sesame oil - it smells and taste so good !
Garlic and onions of course!
And last but not least, raw coconut aminos - to replace soy sauce and add extra nutrition to an appropriate dish.
Of course I get organic veggies and fruit and other things, either from the farmers market or my favorite place, Fairway, to balance and creat full meals but those are my favorite things to have in my cabinets!

As far as untensils/equipment goes, I don't have much but I have exactly what I need right now.
A dutch oven - I want more though ;0)
A couple of different sized stainless steal pieces
A PFOA/PTFE free non stick pan - I pretty much only use this to cook my daughters eggs in the morning.
A salad spinner for my greens
Wooden spoons
A 3 piece ninja - I'll write about that when I start using it.
A cast iron skillet, but I want a newer one!
Some glass bowls for storing and mixing stuff
Some cute measureing spoons and cups that I don't really use but will one day.
A huge wooden cutting board that fits so nicely on my counter top but I want a differnt one, going to reserch marble and bamboo I think they're better choices!
Nice sharp chefs knife - mine is a little smaller than that average but it really works for me.
The best little peeler I've ever worked with - it's tiny and sharp, easy to handle and puple, I love it!
My mom bought me some non stick porcelin bake wear, even though I don't bake, i'm sure it'll come in handy one day.
I know I need a cookie sheet, a roasting pan and a few other things, they will come in time. I hope that this  has been of some interest or help to you.
Happy Healthy New Year!

Monday, December 26, 2011

@HealthyNews2day, 12/26/11 8:16 PM

Healthy News (@HealthyNews2day)
12/26/11 8:16 PM
Disease Creep: How we're fooled into taking cholesterol drugs we don't need

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@HealthyNews2day, 12/26/11 8:18 PM

Healthy News (@HealthyNews2day)
12/26/11 8:18 PM
New Study Exposes the "60% Effective" Flu Shot as 98.5% Useless @mercola

Sent from my iphone w/ love! 

Good Info


Dr. Russell Blaylock Warns: Don't Get the Flu Shot — It Promotes Alzheimer's

2011-12-20 19:24:04-05
By Sylvia Booth Hubbard NewsMax Health The government is ratcheting up its efforts to convince Americans to get flu shots. "You can't walk into a pharmacy without seeing lines, and the government is now telling preachers to tell their congregations to get flu shots," says Dr. Russell Blaylock, renowned neurosurgeon and editor of the Blaylock [...]

US Foreign Policy Destroys Native Sustainable Agriculture

2011-12-20 23:24:01-05
Graveyard in Afghanistan by Brian Shilhavy Health Impact News Editor Lost in the current debate regarding U.S. foreign policy in this current election cycle, is the question of how our military involvement in the Middle East has affected the local populations, particularly their native agriculture. Unfortunately, this is a story that is largely ignored by [...]

Saturated Fats Help Build Hormones and Tame Your Appetite

2011-12-24 18:00:45-05
By Dr. Mercola CBS News, one of the most-watched news programs in the world, recently ran a report questioning whether animal fat is as bad as 'conventional wisdom' would have you believe. The answer? It most certainly is not. The vilification of fats go back to the early 1950′s, when Dr. Ancel Keys published an [...]

Coconut Oil for Horse Tail Health

2011-12-24 19:16:23-05
from Has anyone used coconut oil in their horses mane and tail? from user DejaVu: I use it and completely recommend it. My geldings tail is soft, shiny, and strong. Because it's so moisturized, there's no breakage of the hair, so his tail has gotten longer and thicker, since the hairs are having the [...]

Only One Pastor

2011-12-24 22:32:13-05
by Brian Shilhavy And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid. I bring you [...]

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Sunday, December 25, 2011

@OrganicAuthorit, 12/25/11 3:42 AM

Laura Klein (@OrganicAuthorit)
12/25/11 3:42 AM
USDA Investigates Salmonella Outbreak in Beef - The USDA is investigating an outbreak of Salmonella that...

Sent from my iphone w/ love! 

Saturday, December 24, 2011

@nutri_healing, 12/24/11 8:16 AM

Nutritional Healing (@nutri_healing)
12/24/11 8:16 AM
Corn Refiners Association sued for falsely claiming that high fructose corn syrup is same as sugar… via @HealthRanger

Sent from my iphone w/ love! 

Monday, December 19, 2011

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Fwd: State of Michigan Sues Parents to Force Chemo on Cancer-free Child

Great and scary info!

Health Impact News

Here's the latest:

State of Michigan Sues Parents to Force Chemo on Cancer-free Child

2011-12-08 22:20:14-05
Jacob Stieler was diagnosed with cancer back in March of 2011. After chemo and radiation treatment, multiple scans indicate he's cancer free. However, his doctors have ordered further treatment–something Jacob and his parents oppose. Now the State of Michigan is taking the Jacob's parents to court, charging them with neglect. From the Stieler's blog at [...]

Farmageddon Screening For Congress: Invite Your Legislators!

2011-12-09 19:50:27-05
by Kristin Canty I have been given this opportunity by Representative Chellie Pingree (D) Maine, Representative Ron Paul (R) Texas and Representative Ed Perlmutter (D) Colorado to screen the movie on Capitol Hill, December 13th at 5:30pm.  I am asking that if these issues are important to you, please call your Senators and your Representative and [...]

DHA used in "organic" infant formula products comes from genetically modified algae

2011-12-09 19:57:39-05
by: Selena Keegan NaturalNews (NaturalNews) One of the most vulnerable segments of the population — infants — are being affected as chemical giant Martek Biosciences uses cronyism to have its patented GMO products classified as organic. The National Organic Program is trying to correct this, but in the meantime the "organic" infant formula or baby [...]

How GMO Foods are Destroying Your Gut Flora

2011-12-11 18:59:04-05
By Dr. Mercola Dr. Don Huber is an expert in an area of science that relates to the toxicity of genetically engineered (GE) foods. (Alternative terms for GE foods include genetically modified (GM), or "GMO" for genetically modified organism.) His specific areas of training include soil-borne diseases, microbial ecology, and host-parasite relationships. Dr. Huber also [...]

Are Flu Shots Are Coming to Your Church?

2011-12-12 18:00:07-05
by Dr. Mercola Recently the White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, held an invitation-only call. The call was co-sponsored by the U.S. Health and Human Services, the Office of Minority Health, and CDC. Conspicuously, the end of the invitation read: "This call is off the record and is not for press purposes" – [...]

Authorized by Congress, Will Vaccine Teams be Coming To Your Home And Vaccinating Your Child?

2011-12-12 18:24:58-05
By Jeffry John Aufderheide Just imagine this: Health officials coming to your house and force-vaccinating your children. It seems a bit outrageous initially. But, put into context, that is small potatoes compared with the U.S. Congress recently passing the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). I'll show you later on in this article how public [...]

So how does a mother feel when her baby is dead from vaccines and all she hears from doctors, the government and media is that vaccines are safe and effective?

2011-12-13 01:02:55-05
by Stephanie Messenger This is my journey…. I can't say I believed in vaccination. I knew nothing about it, but had it done anyway. It's what you do, right? You do what doctors and baby health clinics tell you and what your parents and the media advise you to do. Well I did it, without [...]

Ron Paul: Fighting to Ban Mandatory Mental Health Screening

2011-12-13 16:29:43-05
by Dr. Ron Paul Maryanne Godboldo, a mother in Michigan, noticed that pills prescribed by her daughter's doctor were making her condition worse, not better.  So Mrs. Godboldo stopped giving them to her.  That's when the trouble began.  When Child Protective Services (CPS) bureaucrats became aware that the girl was not receiving her prescribed medication, [...]

Coconut Oil for Optimum Health and Fertility

2011-12-13 17:39:16-05
by Gabriela Rosa I love coconuts and I absolutely cannot live without coconut oil! So I thought I'd bring you some of the reasons why you'd do yourself and your family a great favour to add more of this great functional food to your diet. When using the oil or butter (as it is sometimes [...]

Urban goats for organic raw milk in a San Francisco backyard

2011-12-13 17:48:10-05 Heidi Kooy lives in a fairly dense part of San Francisco- her row house touches her neighbors'- with just 1000 square feet of backyard, but she manages to squeeze in an organic garden, fruit trees, chickens and, most recently, a pair of goats. When she began her experiment in urban farming, the goats were [...]

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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

How to Eat More Fat

love this!!!!!
be clear, we are talking about good quality fat!

How to Eat More Fat


The leaders of the dietary establishment either keeled over or started arming themselves with pitchforks as I wrote that title. (It's a good day to enjoy the subversion, I think.) On a serious note, let me unpack this worthy question – one I tend to get often: how does one incorporate more fat into a day's eating? This common inquiry usually comes from someone new to the Primal way of eating; someone that has just started ditching grains and sugars and is having a hard time replacing carbs with the fats they've always been told to avoid. And replace, at least in part, they must, or experience the inevitable crankiness and hunger (and possible failure) associated with not eating enough food.

Of all the things we do for our health, I think we all find this to be one of the more enjoyable efforts – at least once we get the hang of it. Go as clean as you can of course – pastured and organic or as close to it as you can obtain and afford. (It ensures better nutrition and fewer toxins.) But let's not get caught up in details today. I'm ready to dig in. Are you?

Prep Foods Generously with Fat

Oh, those glorious pan drippings that get poured down sinks or thrown away in doubled up Dixie cups! It's a disgrace really – not to mention a blow to your plumbing. Save the fats! Store them with pride. Put a set of beautiful glass jars on your Christmas list just for this purpose. (And let everyone know exactly how you'll use them.)

Whether as hot drippings now or precious spoonfuls later, these fresh roasted fats are perfect for braising meats or sautéing stir fry. Alternatively, coat the skin of whatever fowl you're cooking with a lavish dollop of duck fat, and you'll have a bird so succulent and skin so crisp it'll make you cry over your carving knife.

Pair veggies with fats. Sure, the clean and earthy tastes of vegetables stand on their own pretty darn well. (It's one thing so many people appreciate in going Primal – that reclaimed ability to taste the subtlety of fresh food.) That said, there's something so uniquely satisfying about vegetables treated to the richness of fats. Anyone who's roasted Brussels sprouts with bacon grease or drizzled chicken or goose fat over mashed turnips knows what I mean here.

Stock Up on Dark and Organ Meats – and Fat for Fat's Sake

Who are they calling cheap? The truth is, the anti-fat brigade doesn't know what they're missing. Let them pay extra for their boneless, skinless chicken breast. We're "whole animal" folk here. Their loss is our gain. So, relish those fully skinned chicken thighs, fatty roasts, and offal parts – and the fact that you got a good deal on them. MDA's got recipes galore to make sure you relish every frugal purchase. Although you'll be able to build up your own fat stores from cooking alone, consider buying a variety – slabs or rendered fats. Again, even the pastured, organic stuff can be budget-friendly here. A local butcher or direct-sale farm can set you up with fat from beast or fowl.

Fat. Fish.

The fattier the fish, the more chock full it generally is of healthy omega-3s (particularly if it's wild caught). Think smaller fish like herring, sardines, and anchovies, which are great whole as a snack or in salads. Larger fish like salmon, trout, and mackerel can be a first-rate main course but can also beef up a filling Primal salad.

Bacon. 'Nuff said?

Add Eggs

The yolk is the star here fat-wise. Beyond the standard – but laudable – breakfast fare and hardboiled snack goodness, add chopped egg to (you guessed it) chopped salads. The uncooked (but heated if you prefer) yolk adds a richness to dressings and sauces.

Don't Forget the Non-Animal Fats

There's more to avocados than guacamole – although that alone is enough to love an avocado, isn't it? Pair it with shrimp or crab in endive lettuce, or grace just about any salad with its creamy presence. (I love it with chicken personally.) Make generous use of coconut oil and palm oil in your recipes as well as olives, nuts, seeds, and coconut meat. We've got plenty of recipes for some fresh ideas.

Indulge in Full Fat, Pastured Dairy If You Can Tolerate It

A side note: if you haven't been able to tolerate low fat milk in the past, don't write off dairy just yet. Try the real stuff before you cross it off the list. How about melted butter over roasted nuts or some Greek yogurt with a bit of fruit? Or maybe you're up for good cheese (raw is better if you can get your hands on some) and wine after dinner. Cream? What can't you add cream to? I'm a sucker for a really good cream sauce over chicken or seafood, and don't get me started on bisque soup.

"Finish" All Manner of Dishes with an Extra Dash of Fat

Here's where Primal friendly oils come in especially handy. A really good olive oil will take fresh spinach or salad greens to a whole new level. Avocado oil and sea salt over fresh tomatoes is heaven if I ever tasted it. Whether it's a splash of macadamia nut oil on a salad or a tablespoon of goose fat in a stew, fat can be a finishing touch like no other. I'm talking layers of flavor, people!

So, I hope I was able to offer a little inspiration for this strenuous endeavor. Now seriously, who's up for lunch?

Thanks for reading today, everybody. Be sure to share your own ideas for savoring more fat in your Primal Blueprint diet.

Grab a Copy of The Primal Blueprint 21-Day Total Body Transformation and Start Getting Primal Today!

Related posts:

  1. Is All Butter Created Equal?
  2. The Definitive Guide to Oils
  3. The Wonderful World of Coconut Products

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How to Avoid GMOs in Restaurants.Indian Suicides, US Seed Industry Damaged,

December, 2011 | VIEW IN BROWSER

Jeffrey Smith


Avoid GMOs in Restaurants

Listen to Jeffrey's recent interview, where he elaborates on how to avoid GMOs at restaurants. [Listen Now]

Roundup Ready alfalfa has damaged the US seed industry

The introduction of GM Roundup Ready alfalfa has been a disaster for the US seed industry, writes farmer Phillip Geertson, as it has lost overseas markets. The US alfalfa seed industry was the world's major producer of alfalfa seed and historically has exported more than half of the alfalfa seed produced.

Geertson points out, "Export data would be very useful in determining the amount of damage that was done to the US alfalfa seed industry by the release of RR alfalfa into US agriculture." But such data is not available. 2007 was the last time the USDA reported the size of the US alfalfa seed exports. Perhaps not coincidentally, this was also the year that seed producers found that seed lots produced in Montana and Washington had been contaminated with the Roundup Ready gene.

The only winners in this farming catastrophe are Forage Genetics and Monsanto, who own the patent on the gene that is now contaminating non-GM alfalfa. [Read the Article]

Farmer suicides rising in India as GM Bt cotton crops fail

The record suicide rate among farmers in India continues to rise, with one farmer now committing suicide every 30 minutes. Many media reports blame failed GM Bt cotton crops for the crisis.

More than a quarter of a million farmers have killed themselves in the last 16 years in what is the largest recorded wave of suicides in history. An article for Sky News reports that one farmer who committed suicide "had been persuaded to use genetically modified seeds by the possibility of a better harvest. What he wasn't told was that they needed more rain than the region provided."

Farmers who grow GM crops also have to borrow money for expensive pesticides and fertilizers. When the crop fails, they cannot repay their debts. The article comments, "Across rural India there is now widespread despair. The fields are also filling up with widows." [Read the Article]

Bt cotton was first released for commercial growing in India in 2002, and the data on farm suicides show clearly that the last eight years were much worse than the preceding eight - which is alarming since the total number of farmers is declining. [Read the Article]

India's Bt cotton "revolution" has lost its sheen over the past five years, with government data showing a consistent decline in cotton yield. Even as the area under Bt has grown to 93 per cent of the total area under the cash crop, the overall yield is estimated to decline to a five-year low this year. [Read the Article]

Farmers and activists who oppose GM crops argue that none of the promises made during the introduction of GM seeds have come true. In certain cases, the opposite has happened. Some farmers report that crops failed to flower, producing no yield at all. Others report low yields and high cost of GM seed and chemical insecticides, which farmers still have to spray in spite of marketing claims that Bt cotton reduces or eliminates the need for them.

As for GM proponents' claims that if GM seeds were so bad, farmers wouldn't buy them, it's clear that the consolidation in the seed market means that GM seeds are all that's available. [Read the Article]

Argentine doctors report major medical problems with GM soy

An important report by Argentine physicians documents a big rise in birth defects, up in parallel with expansion of GM Roundup Ready (RR) soy and the spraying of the Roundup herbicide it is engineered to tolerate. It also notes a high incidence of DNA damage, confirming laboratory research on Roundup - and neurological development problems. The report was originally published in Spanish in 2010 but has just been translated into English. The report arose from the 1st National Meeting of Physicians in the Crop-Sprayed Towns, at the Faculty of Medical Sciences at the National University of Cordoba. [Read the Article] [Download the Report]

Action Alerts

Free Webinar with Jeffrey Smith next Tuesday 12/6, at 8:30 pm EST

For those wishing to participate in our 2012 campaign to Protect Children from GM Foods

In 2012, IRT and a coalition of groups will seek to protect infants and babies from GM baby food and infant formula, and raise awareness of parents nationwide about the importance of raising children on non-GMO food. If you wish to be involved with this outreach effort, join Jeffrey this Tuesday. He will share our ideas and key talking points, solicit feedback, answer questions, and discuss ways you can get involved.

To register for this free webinar, please sign up at:

Tell the FDA to Label GMOs

A legal petition has been filed with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) calling on the FDA to label genetically engineered (GE) foods. This is the first time a LEGAL petition has been filed. Join with us and over 350 other organizations and businesses in the Just Label It! Campaign, to direct one million comments to the FDA in support of the petition.[Sign the petition]

Attention Californians!

The 2012 California Ballot Initiative for mandatory GMO labeling papers are being filed the third week of October with the California Attorney General's office and the official petition gathering of 550-700,000 registered voters will begin at the first of December. This initiative has the potential to kick GMOs out of the US food supply, since manufacturers know that most Americans would refuse GM products if labeled. Join this important campaign by pledging to gather signatures, and spreading the word!



Sequim and the northern Olympic Peninsula in Washington State

In Sequim, WA, they rallied on World Food Day, got newspaper coverage, and are getting organized. [Read More]

Bowerville (St. Cloud), Minnesota

In Bowerville, MN they're meeting over non-GMO dinners, developing educational materials, planning meetings with hospitals and schools, and contacting food companies. [Read more]

In The News

US sued over GM crops in wildlife refuges
 Center for Food Safety

US State Dept pimping for Monsanto - why?

Biotech bullies out in force at GM sugar beet deregulation talks
 Salem News

Civil society groups ask US retailers to ban Monsanto's new GM sweet corn

Peru's Congress approves 10-year GM ban
 GM Watch

Mexican honey tainted by GMOs
 CIP Americas

Hungary joins GMO-free region

Pesticide use rises as insects develop resistance to GM Bt crops worldwide
 GM Freeze

GM lobby group sought to fake support for GM crops with high-profile "ambassadors"
 The Guardian

Investment advisers call for transparency on GM risks
 Food Whistleblower

Scientist rebuts criticism of "Bt toxin in human blood" study
 GM Watch

The Institute for Responsible Technology is working to end the genetic engineering of our food supply and the outdoor release of GM crops.

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Take good care,

Re: The right to know what you are eating

On Tue, Dec 13, 2011 at 11:40 AM, Linda Sierra <> wrote:

Health Impact News

Here's the latest:

The right to know what you are eating

2011-11-28 19:17:51-05
by Gary Hirshberg,Eric Schlosser Excerpts: An unprecedented agricultural experiment is being conducted at America's dinner tables. While none of the processed food we ate 20 years ago contained genetically engineered ingredients, now 75 percent of it does – even though the long-term human health and environmental impacts are unknown. The Food and Drug Administration doesn't [...]

Are Saturated Fats Artery-Clogging?

2011-11-28 20:04:48-05
by Bob Kaplan "If you eat too much [saturated fat], then over time fatty deposits can build up in your arteries, and this increases your risk of heart disease," says an advertisement by the Food Standards Agency (FSA) in the United Kingdom. Sound familiar? If it does, then you have heard yet another nutrition fallacy! [...]

One Drug to Make You Happy

2011-11-28 20:29:30-05
By Attorney Jonathan Emord Within the last two decades the field of psychiatry has mushroomed from a fringe body of Sigmund Freud admirers to a mainstream player in the field of medical pharmacology, largely because of an unseemly union between that profession and the drug industry, leading to the creation of many never before [...]

HPV Vaccine: 49 Sudden Deaths & 213 Permanent Disabilities – The Silent Plan to Poison Your Child

2011-11-29 20:04:09-05
by Dr. Mercola During a Republican debate in Tampa, Florida, presidential hopeful Michele Bachmann (R-Minnesota) alleged that campaign contributions from drug company Merck—the maker of Gardasil—played "a pivotal role in Rick Perry's 2007 executive order that mandated teenage girls in Texas be inoculated against HPV," CNN reports. The order did not go into effect, however, [...]

What's Next? Starting Children on Drugs the Moment They're Born?

2011-11-29 20:38:36-05
by Alliance for Natural Health That seems to be the path a new recommendation is putting us on. An expert panel appointed by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, and endorsed by the American Academy of Pediatrics, is now urging cholesterol screening for all children between ages 9 and 11—before puberty, when cholesterol temporarily [...]

India Rediscovers Health Benefits of Ghee

2011-11-29 21:58:17-05
by Niraj Patel, M.D. Growing up, I thought that ghee was dangerous. Uncles and aunties would say, "We're cutting back on ghee," or, "We don't use that stuff anymore, it's so bad for you." I wondered why ghee got such a bad rap, and soon I learned everyone's doctors had been urging them to drop [...]

GAO Report: Foster children on mind-altering drugs at rates 13 times that of children in the general population

2011-12-01 18:50:39-05
By BRINDA ADHIKARI, JOAN MARTELLI and SARAH KOCH ABCNews video platformvideo managementvideo solutionsvideo player Across America, doctors are putting foster children on powerful, mind-altering drugs at rates up to 13 times that of children in the general population. What's more, doctors are prescribing foster children drugs at doses beyond what the Food and Drug Administration [...]

Are Statin Drugs Linked to Diabetes and Muscle Damage?

2011-12-01 20:08:42-05
By Dr. Mercola Tens of millions of Americans are taking cholesterol-lowering drugs – mostly statins – and some "experts" claim that many millions more should be taking them, including children as young as eight. I couldn't disagree more. Statins are HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors, that is, they act by blocking the enzyme in your liver that [...]

TSA Attempts to Cover Up Cancer Threat From Its Airport X-ray Machines

2011-12-01 20:15:41-05
Alliance for Natural Health Forget the embarrassment of your private parts being seen by strangers. The scanners can cause cancer—and TSA is trying to keep you from knowing about it. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) uses two types of body scanners. The backscatter machines are of particular concern because these X-ray scanners emit low levels [...]

12-Year-Old Boy Testifies Before Congress On Being Forcibly Drugged in Foster Care

2011-12-02 18:19:00-05
By Daily Mail Reporter Mail Online 'I was drugged into a stupor for FOUR YEARS': Boy, 12, bravely tells Congress how he was forced to take 'stupid meds' while in foster care A 12-ear-old boy has bravely told how he was medicated into a near-stupor as he was passed between foster care homes. The seventh [...]

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Take good care,

Take good care,

The right to know what you are eating

Health Impact News

Here's the latest:

The right to know what you are eating

2011-11-28 19:17:51-05
by Gary Hirshberg,Eric Schlosser Excerpts: An unprecedented agricultural experiment is being conducted at America's dinner tables. While none of the processed food we ate 20 years ago contained genetically engineered ingredients, now 75 percent of it does – even though the long-term human health and environmental impacts are unknown. The Food and Drug Administration doesn't [...]

Are Saturated Fats Artery-Clogging?

2011-11-28 20:04:48-05
by Bob Kaplan "If you eat too much [saturated fat], then over time fatty deposits can build up in your arteries, and this increases your risk of heart disease," says an advertisement by the Food Standards Agency (FSA) in the United Kingdom. Sound familiar? If it does, then you have heard yet another nutrition fallacy! [...]

One Drug to Make You Happy

2011-11-28 20:29:30-05
By Attorney Jonathan Emord Within the last two decades the field of psychiatry has mushroomed from a fringe body of Sigmund Freud admirers to a mainstream player in the field of medical pharmacology, largely because of an unseemly union between that profession and the drug industry, leading to the creation of many never before [...]

HPV Vaccine: 49 Sudden Deaths & 213 Permanent Disabilities – The Silent Plan to Poison Your Child

2011-11-29 20:04:09-05
by Dr. Mercola During a Republican debate in Tampa, Florida, presidential hopeful Michele Bachmann (R-Minnesota) alleged that campaign contributions from drug company Merck—the maker of Gardasil—played "a pivotal role in Rick Perry's 2007 executive order that mandated teenage girls in Texas be inoculated against HPV," CNN reports. The order did not go into effect, however, [...]

What's Next? Starting Children on Drugs the Moment They're Born?

2011-11-29 20:38:36-05
by Alliance for Natural Health That seems to be the path a new recommendation is putting us on. An expert panel appointed by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, and endorsed by the American Academy of Pediatrics, is now urging cholesterol screening for all children between ages 9 and 11—before puberty, when cholesterol temporarily [...]

India Rediscovers Health Benefits of Ghee

2011-11-29 21:58:17-05
by Niraj Patel, M.D. Growing up, I thought that ghee was dangerous. Uncles and aunties would say, "We're cutting back on ghee," or, "We don't use that stuff anymore, it's so bad for you." I wondered why ghee got such a bad rap, and soon I learned everyone's doctors had been urging them to drop [...]

GAO Report: Foster children on mind-altering drugs at rates 13 times that of children in the general population

2011-12-01 18:50:39-05
By BRINDA ADHIKARI, JOAN MARTELLI and SARAH KOCH ABCNews video platformvideo managementvideo solutionsvideo player Across America, doctors are putting foster children on powerful, mind-altering drugs at rates up to 13 times that of children in the general population. What's more, doctors are prescribing foster children drugs at doses beyond what the Food and Drug Administration [...]

Are Statin Drugs Linked to Diabetes and Muscle Damage?

2011-12-01 20:08:42-05
By Dr. Mercola Tens of millions of Americans are taking cholesterol-lowering drugs – mostly statins – and some "experts" claim that many millions more should be taking them, including children as young as eight. I couldn't disagree more. Statins are HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors, that is, they act by blocking the enzyme in your liver that [...]

TSA Attempts to Cover Up Cancer Threat From Its Airport X-ray Machines

2011-12-01 20:15:41-05
Alliance for Natural Health Forget the embarrassment of your private parts being seen by strangers. The scanners can cause cancer—and TSA is trying to keep you from knowing about it. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) uses two types of body scanners. The backscatter machines are of particular concern because these X-ray scanners emit low levels [...]

12-Year-Old Boy Testifies Before Congress On Being Forcibly Drugged in Foster Care

2011-12-02 18:19:00-05
By Daily Mail Reporter Mail Online 'I was drugged into a stupor for FOUR YEARS': Boy, 12, bravely tells Congress how he was forced to take 'stupid meds' while in foster care A 12-ear-old boy has bravely told how he was medicated into a near-stupor as he was passed between foster care homes. The seventh [...]

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Monday, December 12, 2011

Fwd: Coconut Oil – Is it Nature’s Wonder Oil?

Great post this week - all amazing info - pls read!

Health Impact News

Here's the latest:

Coconut Oil – Is it Nature's Wonder Oil?

2011-12-02 18:57:34-05
by Rainbow Treecare Imagine if there were an all natural oil that was great for cooking with, could improve the look of your hair, skin and nails, help reduce high cholesterol and high blood pressure and deliver a large number of beneficial vitamins and minerals. Well actually you do not have to imagine because such [...]

Vaccinations – Let parents make the choice

2011-12-05 17:33:58-05
BY CHARLOTTE VANDERVALK CHARLOTTE VANDERVALK, R-WESTWOOD, is an Assemblywoman representing district 39 in New Jersey. THE YOUNG DAUGHTER of the woman calling my office had been given her shots for school, had a reaction, and then spent months in the hospital recovering from paralysis. Now, her son was to get the same shots or [...]

Maine Rep. Chellie Pingree's Letter to FDA on Raw Milk

2011-12-05 17:36:54-05
On Nov. 18, Maine 1st Congressional District Chellie Pingree sent a letter to the Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration questioning their support of farm raids and the arrests of farmers. Rep. Pingree also questions whether Food Safety Czar Michael Taylor is an appropriate person for that position given his close ties to Monsanto. [...]

Dennis Kucinich: Allow Consumers to Make Informed Choices

2011-12-05 19:26:44-05
The State Column Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) today issued the following statement upon announcing legislation that would require the labeling of all foods that contain or are produced with genetically engineered (GE) material. "Genetic engineers have dramatically altered the food we consume, disrupting entire ecosystems and contaminating crops with potentially devastating effects on our long-term [...]

Pharmaceutical Industry now Leads all other Industries in Fraud against the Federal Government – Why are they Still in Business?

2011-12-06 19:03:07-05
by Alliance for Natural Health There is a surprising reason why the government won't go after drug companies for serious crimes. It is because government programs like Medicare, Medicaid, and the Veterans Administration would then be barred from doing business with them! In 1999 the FDA approved Vioxx, a drug created by Merck and Co. [...]

FDA Violates Federal Law: Emord and ANH Challenge Illegal Rulemaking

2011-12-06 20:44:02-05
by Alliance for Natural Health Bolstered by a massive outpouring of support from you, we are asking the agency to withdraw its New Dietary Ingredient (NDI) draft guidance completely! The period for comments to the FDA on the draft guidance on NDI notifications closed on December 2. Along with the hundreds of thousands of messages [...]

Local Sheriffs vs. the Feds: Who is Protecting our Constitutional Rights?

2011-12-07 20:18:03-05
Health Impact News The federal government has continued to spend energy and resources in hunting down Amish raw milk farmers. Raw milk advocate David Gumpert recently reported about a federal effort to prosecute two raw milk farmers by requiring them to appear before a federal Grand Jury in Detroit: Though Peanut Corp of America has [...]

Stop Obama's New Tax on Family Farms

2011-12-08 13:59:07-05
Food Democracy Now If you thought NAIS (the National Animal Identification System) was dead, think again! Right now the Obama administration is attempting to sneak a scaled-down version of a new "Traceability for Livestock" program onto farms across the U.S. through a new backdoor proposed USDA regulation. Just like last time, the group ID is [...]

Statin Drugs May Increase Your Prostate Cancer Risk

2011-12-08 15:37:42-05
by Dr. Mercola Statins, drugs that lower your cholesterol levels, are one of the most widely prescribed drugs in the world. In the US, a staggering one in four over the age of 45 is now taking this unnecessary drug! Statins act by blocking a crucial  enzyme in your liver responsible for making cholesterol. But [...]

The One Question You Should Ask Every Waiter

2011-12-08 16:09:01-05
by Craig Fear Question #1: When you go out to eat, do you know what oils are being used in the food? Question #2:  Why does this matter? Traditionally, cultures used animal fats in their cooking – tallow (beef fat), lard (pig fat), chicken fat, bacon grease, duck fat, etc.  Other fats and oils [...]

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