Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Fwd: Legal Drugs vs. Illegal Drugs: Are we fighting the Right War?

Health Impact News

Here's the latest:

Legal Drugs vs. Illegal Drugs: Are we fighting the Right War?

2012-01-05 13:11:23-05
by Brian Shilhavy Health Impact News Article Main Points: There are more deaths from legal drugs than illegal drugs There is more criminal activity from legal drugs than illegal drugs Are all illegal drugs only recreational drugs with no therapeutic value? The top drugs with no therapeutic value. The Pharmaceutical Cartel: America's wealthiest and most [...]

CBN Reports on Coconut Oil for Alzheimer's

2012-01-06 15:05:08-05
Health Impact News Editor Comments: For many years Pat Robertson of CBN and the 700 Club has warned his viewers of the dangers of saturated fat, assuming that the lipid theory of heart disease was true. I tried many years ago to send them our book on the health benefits of coconut oil, backed by [...]

Are Statins Behind Your Memory Loss?

2012-01-06 21:14:09-05
Dr John Briffa for The Cholesterol Truth As people age, they can find themselves becoming increasingly forgetful and absent-minded. Some will end up being affected by Alzheimer's disease or some other form of dementia. I often find that my patients believe that there is quite a lot they can do to maintain and even improve [...]

The Medical Establishment Fired Me for Rejecting Conventional Wisdom

2012-01-06 21:28:38-05
by Karen De Coster LewRockwell.com The greatest things always seem to happen to me. By "greatest," I mean the kind of really offbeat stuff that just doesn't seem to happen to a lot of other people. Stuff that makes for such good stories that it almost sounds fabricated. Two weeks ago, I received a certified [...]

7 Reasons America's Mental Health Industry Is a Threat to Our Sanity

2012-01-07 20:16:34-05
By Bruce E. Levine AlterNet Drug industry corruption, scientifically unreliable diagnoses and pseudoscientific research have compromised the values of the psychiatric profession. Why do some of us become dissident mental health professionals? The majority of psychiatrists, psychologists and other mental health professionals "go along to get along" and maintain a status quo that includes drug [...]

Coconut Oil and Weight Loss – Facts vs. Fiction: what you need to know about coconut oil and losing weight!

2012-01-09 14:09:36-05
by Brian and Marianita Shilhavy CoconutDiet.com I would like to say that I have been on Virgin Coconut Oil for the past 2 months (4 tablespoons daily) and feel better than I have in a long time! My energy levels are up & my weight is down. I am never hungry anymore, & have incorporated [...]

Merck Paid Doctors Millions to Promote Vaccines

2012-01-09 23:06:42-05
By Jeffry John Aufderheide Vactruth.com Sometimes gems are difficult to come by. However, when we find them, just clean them up a bit and we can appreciate their 'real value'. The little treasure I discovered was a document located on Merck Pharmaceutical's website. It disclosed how much Merck paid doctors as speaking fees in the [...]

Low Cholesterol Levels May Increase The Risk Of Cardiovascular Disease

2012-01-10 00:02:09-05
Dr John Briffa The Cholesterol Truth It's the New Year, a time when many of us feel motivated to get fitter and healthier. I've noticed that there are television adverts currently doing the rounds encouraging us to eat cholesterol-reducing foods. As I've written before, there really is no good evidence that taking dietary steps to [...]

The Forgotten, Fascinating Saga Of Crisco

2012-01-10 00:15:53-05
by Dan Charles NPR Excerpts: Our friends over at Planet Money produced a delightful podcast last Friday called "Who Killed Lard?" They finger a corporate perp: Proctor and Gamble's brilliant marketing campaign for the original Crisco, an alternative to lard that went on sale in 1911. "It's all vegetable! It's digestible!," it proclaimed. Crisco, you [...]

Obama administration says: "No raw milk for you."

2012-01-10 12:58:03-05
by John Moody Food Clubs & Coops Last week, the Obama administration gave its official response of "NO" to the 6,078 signors of a petition on WhiteHouse.gov who requested federal-level legalization of all raw milk sales. Written by Doug McKalip, the White House senior policy adviser for rural affairs, the response is full of typical [...]

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